Nambour & Hinterland Australian Football Club Inc
powered by TidyHQSponsor the Blues in 2025
Sponsor the Blues in 2025
We have over 200 Senior Men and Women and Junior Boys and Girls who play for our great Club. However, we can’t keep the lights on and the grass green, without the support of our local community.
This is why we are very grateful that you are taking the time to consider sponsoring the Hinterland Australian Football Club.
Your partnership with the Blues will not only elevate your brand, but you are investing in a small, community Club with a very loyal supporter base.
We have developed the below Prospectus to offer both Senior and Junior packages, as well as the opportunity to sponsor a Senior Player. However, we are always open to discussing the packages and working with you to ensure that your sponsorship aligns with your business values, as well as supporting our great Club.
By sponsoring the Blues, you will also be given the opportunity to advertise in the Hinterland Blues Business Directory This Directory is the first port of call for our members to find a business or service. These companies are the heartbeat of our Club and allows us to give back to our sponsors in a practical way.
If you have any questions about sponsoring the Blues, or the Club generally, please contact one of our Committee who will be happy to help! If you would like to sponsor the Blues, please reach out to the Club (info@hinterlandblues.com.au) to discuss the next steps.
Otherwise, check out our Sponsorship Prospectus below.
Thank you again for considering sponsoring the Blues!